Logged On Foundation https://loggedon.pages.dev Helping Communities in Nepal Sun, 03 Jul 2022 10:30:56 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://loggedon.pages.dev/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cropped-Logo-Bottom-1-32x32.png Logged On Foundation https://loggedon.pages.dev 32 32 Ten years in Nepal empowering communities through education https://loggedon.pages.dev/ten/ Wed, 22 Jun 2022 06:42:24 +0000 http://localhost:8090/?p=5833

Ten years in Nepal empowering communities through education is a reflection on all of our efforts towards helping rural Nepalese communities access the resources, information, skills and technologies they need to provide educational opportunities to their children. It’s also a reflection on the relationships developed with local people, businesses and community groups in Nepal and Australia who shared a vision for creating educational opportunities for children.

The report discusses all programs that were completed over ten years including: teacher training and providing educational aids and resources to schools; scholarships and sponsorships for children; training and community capacity building programs; school construction and infrastructure programs; and, using technology to empower teachers and students and fostering the development of ’21st century skills’ for transformative and sustainable educational programs. Ten Years also discusses the cooperative relationships that were cultivated with universities to provide their pre-service teachers with the opportunity to develop their professional abilities by teaching in Nepal.

The publication is also a reflection on a decade of philanthropy in the Himalayas by CEO and founder, Mark Pinoli, and how a small charity, with modest funding and lots of determination, can contribute towards making a positive change in community education development. It provides insights and inspiration to anyone contemplating on applying their skills to address some of the world’s most pressing social problems.

Publications online at the National Library https://loggedon.pages.dev/pubs/ Thu, 05 Nov 2020 06:38:18 +0000 http://localhost:8090/?p=6267 [...]]]> All of our publications including annual reports can now be accessed at the National Library of Australia’s e-repository Trove.

You can read about our work at:

1. Annual Report Summary (2015 – 2019) – Our annual reports as a Public Company. Our annual reports as an Incorporated Association(VIC) from 2012 – 2014 will be online soon.

2. Nepal Earthquake Aid Program Report (2015) – report on our aid work to help repair and revive rural Nepali schools affected by the disaster.

3. Preparing to Teach in Nepal, 2nd Ed (2020) – A practical guide for international volunteers and professionals who want to prepare themselves to teach or volunteer in schools in Nepal.

4. A Report on Ten Years in Nepal (2022) Our reflection on ten years of helping communities access the resources, information, skills and technologies they need to provide educational opportunities for their children.

A guide to teaching in Nepal https://loggedon.pages.dev/guide/ Mon, 04 May 2020 09:59:13 +0000 http://localhost:8090/?p=6035 [...]]]> This is a practical guide for volunteers and professionals who want to prepare themselves to teach or volunteer in schools in Nepal. There are details about Nepal, what to expect when you arrive, issues you may face in the classroom, what you need to do, what you need to bring, and important information about health and safety.

The guide was compiled over eight years of working with volunteer teachers placed in Nepali schools and draws on observations and interviews with local teaching staff, Nepali students, and volunteers. It provided an evidence based approach to preparing, as an overseas teacher, to conduct classes in Nepal and identify simple, powerful and ‘appropriate’ ways of teaching that aligns with the local curriculum and engages and resonates positively with students and their teachers. The focus is on teaching in primary and lower secondary schools, but there are lessons for teaching in other domains such as building knowledge and skills within communities.

This information would also appeal to teacher training institutions placing students in Nepal with a focus on: preparing their students for the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse school systems; and, who wish to provide unique opportunities for their students to expand their experiences and develop skills in working with diversity. The guide also highlights the need for teachers to prepare to be completely immersed in a different educational, cultural and linguistic environment and to be aware of how it may help shape their beliefs and reinforce behaviours that are consistent with building personal resilience and leadership.


ISBN: 978-0-6480203-1-8

Click on image to download the PDF (8mb).



Every day heroes https://loggedon.pages.dev/every-day-heros/ Sun, 15 Dec 2019 01:48:35 +0000 [...]]]> Shan Sharma embarks on a beautiful journey to meet ordinary people doing extraordinary things to make our world a better place.

The first episode focuses on our work and the efforts of our CEO, Mark Pinoli. Please watch the episode to see the impact we have been making on rural communities in Nepal.


Follow Shan and Everyday Heroes on Facebook.


Eight year anniversary https://loggedon.pages.dev/8years/ Fri, 13 Dec 2019 06:33:33 +0000 [...]]]> It has been almost eight years to the day that we finished our first project in Nepal. The Computer Centre at the Shree Bhumeshwor School in the beautiful village of Astam.

The original server with upgrades continues to power 11 terminals and the children are now experiencing internet speeds that allow videos to be streamed fast – around 20MB/s.

We are very happy to see that our efforts are continuing to help provide a quality education to new students every year.

Thank you to the Centre Manager Ves Raj Bastola for sending us your video report on the Astam Computer Centre. Without your tireless effort, the Centre would not have continued for so long.

Annual Report 2019 https://loggedon.pages.dev/ar19/ Thu, 12 Dec 2019 23:36:33 +0000 [...]]]> We are happy to report that the 2018/19 year has been one of our busiest with a total of ten projects completed. The work was conducted in no less than six districts with seven new projects initiated this year, two projects from prior years that were completed this year, and an ongoing sponsorship program. Two of the districts are new to us and we have begun establishing relations with key supporters in the area.

Our flagship program of providing computers for education in rural schools remains strong with laptops installed in five schools and one orphanage across four districts.

We have also strengthened our commitment to women’s empowerment by supporting the Pragmati Women’s Cooperative in their efforts to solve a community health issue in the Syangja District. This is the third project we have successfully completed in cooperation with the group and we were able to build a public bathroom and wash facility with their help.

The legacy of our 2015 earthquake assistance efforts has continued into this year. Our project to reconstruct a large four-room classroom building at a school in Gorkha has finally been completed. We were able to established new relations with the Rotary Clubs of Melbourne and Gorkha to help complete this project.

In addition, our documentary Earth-Q continues to receive attention with two festival screenings of the film in the UK and Canada. Earth-Q documents our efforts in Nepal to help schools recover from the disaster and the struggles communities faced to provide a quality education for their children.

This year we also saw the completion of another school construction project – the Chhunop Winter School on the outskirts of Pokhara. We were one of a number of sponsors that contributed to the completion of the boarding school. We started working with the community in 2015 and were the first to provide funding to commence the project.

We have continued our partnership with WorkSafe Victoria and Xtreme Adventures who have helped us to complete projects in Nepal with computers, funding and volunteer help. Finally, we are continuing to support children at the Bal Mandir Orphanage through our Child Sponsorship Program.

The diverse projects that we have successfully completed this year is a great achievement for a small charity. They were developed with full local cooperation and is a testament to how our organisation can adapt and respond to the needs of Nepali communities. This would not have been possible without the efforts of our Board Directors and volunteers in Australia and Nepal.

A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported our work in 2018/19. Our 2019 Annual Report Summary is a testament and memorable insight into the wonderful change that our team and supporters from around the world have helped to make.
DOWNLOAD the Annual Report Summary (6Mb PDF)

Empowering women in Nepal https://loggedon.pages.dev/empower/ Thu, 01 Aug 2019 00:30:03 +0000 [...]]]> We have been committed to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls since our inception. We have helped to lower the barriers women face in accessing information technologies, a quality education, and training programs that focus on their needs and aspirations.

Our first empowerment initiative was the student scholarship program. We have awarded hundreds of scholarships to economically and socially disadvantaged children to help lower the barriers they face in accessing a quality education. Around 65% of the general scholarships were awarded to girls. Our prestigious Anne van Riel Scholarships were awarded exclusively to girls who faced significant obstacles that affected their education, and who showed dedication to their studies. The program also had the commitment of teachers and community leaders who mentored and supported the girls and encouraged them to achieve their best at school.

We have also contributed to women’s empowerment through our technology for leadership, education and entrepreneurship programs. Although our primary focus has been on education in rural schools, we also recognise that women have a key influence on decisions in the family that have an impact on the well-being and development of children. By supporting women, we have not only worked towards their empowerment, but also helped to create a positive future for their children.

As discussed earlier, in the Dhital VDC, we managed a two-year project to deliver digital literacy training workshops to local women that focused on their needs. The workshop introduced participants to computer technology, essential software for business and personal use, email and communications programs, and how to access information on the internet. This program was developed in conjunction with Microsoft Nepal and the Astam Women’s Group.

In the Hemja Municipality, located near Dhital VDC, we installed a new computer facility at the Hemja Women’s Cooperative building. The group supported around 1,000 women in the area and we provided a similar training program with ongoing support to their facility management team.

Our team visited the cooperative eight months later to conduct a follow-up assessment of our project. The computers have become a valued resource for the group, so much so that the sewing machines used to teach women tailoring skills for generating income, had been moved to the basement to make way for more computers donated by the government. We observed student members searching for information for their assignments using Google, middle-aged women accessing their Gmail accounts, and business owners producing advertising materials and menus on Microsoft Word.

We were encouraged by the determination shown by the women to make the technology work for their purposes. They wanted to develop their skills to increase opportunities for securing work and to promote their businesses, as well as to communicate with clients, friends and family.

Given the success in Dhital and Hemja, we responded favourably to an appeal made by the Pragati Women’s Cooperative for an ICT program in the Syangja District. As discussed below, we installed a computer facility at the Cooperative building and worked with its management committee to develop a training program that would best serve the needs of the organisation and its members. The result was an intensive two-week workshop that focused on developing the ICT skills of participants and introduced them to technology-enabled business and learning opportunities.

Participants were divided into three daily shifts to ensure that participants were able to receive individualised assistance. Our training coordinator and one of our Board members, Sudip Aryal, said “it was a touching moment to see local women curiously learning computers who have managed to join the class after completing their regular agriculture work in their field. I am very happy to have dedicated my time to the training to help them realise their aspirations.”

Over the years, we have seen the rise of Facebook in Nepal to become an important tool for communication. In 2018, the Kathmandu Post Newspaper reported that social media marketing had become an effective way to promote products and services on a small budget with high impact, thanks to a rapidly growing number of social media users in the country.

In both the Dhital and Syangja training programs, we helped participants sign up for a Facebook account and provided guidance on how to best use the platform for business purposes.

We were also able to show participants the importance of Facebook for personal use. Many Nepalis have sought employment abroad, and international labor migration has become a major way for individuals to support their families. Overseas workers are in the millions and the money they send home accounts for one-quarter of national GDP. Facebook has become an important way for families to stay connected.

During one of the Pragati workshop sessions, Kamala Poudel (50), cried after adding her son to her newly created Facebook account. She was able to talk with him via Messenger for the first time. Her son, who was in Dubai at the time, was surprised to see her friend request and replied “what will you do with Facebook Mum?” Her reply was “talk to you of course!” Kamala said “it is a common situation that many of our family members and relatives are outside Syangja District or even outside Nepal. So I will now use Facebook to communicate with them from time-to-time.”

At the conclusion of the workshop, the Cooperative management reported that they felt more confident of managing their micro-finance operations using the computers. They were able to write letters and prepare reports in Word, create bills in Excel and make presentations in PowerPoint. They were using the facility to access information, use the computers as an e-library resource, and communicate more effectively using Gmail, Facebook and Skype.

When we first met Tara Aryal, Pragati Coop President, in 2014, she said in frustration “every time that we want to do something, we are always asking men for help.” Her words resonated with the Logged On team and we had discussions about how we could help address Tara’s concern. We were able to respond in two ways.

Firstly, through confidence building program. At the end of the two week ICT workshop, our training partners the NRIDS took the opportunity of adding a short community leadership program where a number of prominent community members engaged participants in interactive confidence and community-oriented skills building exercises. They also reinforced the importance access to information technologies was for independent life-long learning, business and networking opportunities.

Secondly, by presenting an opportunity for the Cooperative to be visible agents for positive change. In 2018, we were able to secure funding and Australian volunteer help for a community project (discussed in the next section). We asked the Cooperative if there were any pressing problem in the local community which we could help solve which would benefit the local children and community as a whole. They identified a community health project and the need for the construction of a communal latrine and wash facility in a nearby village. We accepted their proposal and asked them to take a lead in the community consultation and decision-making process. The project was successfully completed in 2019, largely due to their management efforts.

Partnership in community health https://loggedon.pages.dev/partner19/ Tue, 19 Feb 2019 03:59:20 +0000 [...]]]> We are happy to announce our second project with our partner Xtreme Adventures will commence in April this year.

Xtreme Adventures, led by Jack Carmody and Russ Tomlin, will be taking a team from WorkSafe Victoria, Victoria Police and Sibelco to Gokyo Lakes / Everest Base Camp on a Leadership and Teamwork Development Program. At the end of the Program, the Xtreme Adventures Team will journey with Logged On to an area near Pokhara and start a hands-on project to improve sanitation conditions for a rural community.

In Nepal, the fact that only 62% of the population have access to adequate sanitation facilities means that serious diseases such as dysentery, cholera and typhoid are a constant danger. Beyond the community, the lack of effective waste disposal or sewerage systems can contaminate ecosystems and contribute to disease pandemics. The World Health Organization estimates that diarrheal diseases cause the deaths of thousands of children under five years old every year.

The Foundation received an appeal from the women’s community support group in the Syangja District for the construction of a communal latrine and wash facility. Logged On and the team accepted the challenge and will be in the District in late April to manage its construction. The aim of the project is simple – complete the facility so that there will be a significant reduction of preventable diseases in the area.

To ensure the success of our project, the team will be conducting its own fundraising efforts to purchase materials and pay local labourers for the construction. The group will also work beside local people to help complete the facility.

The team reached Everest Base Camp and completed a community assistance project in the Gorkha District in 2017. A sustainable water catchment/supply and computer center was installed at the Bal Mandir School and Orphanage with over 330 children and 15 staff members being helped as a result (see our article). This is the second of many charity projects that we plan on undertaking with our partner over the coming years.

Please support this project by donating at the GOFUNDME website.


The story of our earlier work https://loggedon.pages.dev/story/ Mon, 21 Jan 2019 00:18:59 +0000 http://localhost:8090/?p=6778 Over the years, we have created a number of PowerPoint slides to highlight our work in Nepal and the projects completed.

Please enjoy our presentations outlining our approach and project outcomes from our earlier work in the Dhital VDC, Kaski District.











Annual Report 2018 https://loggedon.pages.dev/ar18/ Sat, 19 Jan 2019 01:37:45 +0000 A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported our work in 2017/18. Our 2018 Annual Report Summary is a testament and memorable insight into the wonderful change that our team and supporters from around the world have helped to make.
DOWNLOAD the Annual Report Summary (2Mb PDF)
